Cold Storage

Cold Storage|Kaneyo Loyalty One Logistics Co., Ltd.


F Class -30℃ 7,000 tons (coil-type refrigeration room)
Freezing Capability
Daily 10 tons
Ice-manufacturing capability
Nissan 3 tons (ice storage 5 tons)
Cargo equipment

Moveable racks (electric, with 4 shelves)

Elevator 6 tons 1 unit

Vertical conveyance machine 1.5 tons 2 units

Shosui Building No. 1

F Class -30℃ 8,000 tons (coil-type refrigeration room)
Freezing Capability
Daily 50 tonsimage
Cargo equipment

Elevator 4 tons 1 unitimage

Dummy waiter 0.5 tons 1 unitimage

Other Equipment

Bonded Warehouse

Domestic landed processing equipmentimage

Processing areaimage

Warehouse – partial room temperatureimage

Weighing machine 2 tons 1 unit

Shosui Building No. 2

F Class -30℃ 1,500 tons (fan-type refrigeration room)
Cargo equipment
Elevator 3 tons 1 unit
Other Equipment
Warehouse – partial room temperature

Headquarters Freezer Facility Map

Headquarters Freezer Facility Map|カネヨ ロイヤリティ ワン ロジスティクス株式会社

ADock Shelter

Dock Leveller: height can be adjusted with a lift to load into container
Air Shelter: can shut out external air through adjustment of left, right and upper parts
This mechanism makes sure that other shelters shut out external air.
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B1F Platform (Delivery Space)

Low-temperature room with air-conditioning.
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CCargo Shelter

Sufficient capacity with maximum load of 6 tons.
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DCustomer Waiting Room

A space where customers can relax while waiting for inspections, etc. to be completed.
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E1F Coil Refrigeration Room (Flat Stacking)

1F warehouse capacity is 2500 tons (1200 palettes).
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FCoil-type Refrigeration Room

Windless storage with ceiling hairpin coils. There is little change in temperature therefore it is possible to prevent deterioration or dust on stored products in comparison with fan-type cold storage.
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GMoveable Racks

Shelves can be moved with just one touch of a button making it possible to respond speedily even for small-sized products.
2F warehouse capacity is 4500 tons (2060 palettes) with a combination of flat stacking and moveable racks.
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H2F Cargo Handling Area

Low-temperature room with air-conditioning.
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IVertical Conveyance Machine (Mac Lifter)

Can move a maximum of 450 palettes a day (7 hours). There is no button operation therefore no need to mount the lift. Ascent and descent speeds are much faster than conventional elevators.
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JDefrosting Inspection Room

Installed with air-conditioning in which it is possible to adjust temperature for defrosting in accordance with the season.
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Other Equipment

Freezer room

Ice-maker (Nissan, 3 tons)

Ice storage room (5 tons)

1F coil refrigeration room capacity 2500 tons (1200 palettes)

2F coil refrigeration room capacity 4500 tons (2060 palettes)